Choosing the Best Car Insurance for Your Needs: 10 Questions to Consider
Looking for new car insurance? Use the following 10 questions to help narrow your search for new policies and providers:

Motorbike Insurance Requirements in Australia: What You Need to Know
Anyone who owns and rides a motorbike knows that riding can be dangerous. Accidents can and do happen. Whether your motorbike is essential for your...

Why Does Car Insurance Vary by Make and Model?
When you're thinking about buying a car, it’s often the make and model that you settle on first. But did you know that the make and model of your c...

10 Mistakes Buyers Make When Purchasing Building & Contents Insurance
When buying home and contents insurance, it is important that you find a product that is both good value for money and gives security to your...

What to Look for When Comparing Comprehensive Car Insurance Quotes
Let’s be honest, for many of us comprehensive car insurance is just one of those products we know we need but still love to hate. At the very least...

What Happens When Someone Without Insurance Hits Your Car
If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you’d know they can be stressful, traumatic and extremely expensive. So, it’s not surprising that lots of...

Comparing Home and Contents Insurance Providers: What to Look For
If you’re like most people, your home is probably the most expensive and valuable asset you’ll ever own. So having the right home insurance can...

Could Cheap Car Insurance Cost You More in the Long Run?
Cheaper premiums aren't always the best option. What looks like a great car insurance deal on paper can leave you on the hook for unexpected...

What to Do if Your Caravan Breaks Down
Kicking off a road trip with a caravan along for the ride is a great Australian tradition — before the pandemic, caravan trips exceeded 13 million ...

Moving in with a Partner? Check Your Home Insurance Cover
Moving in with a partner is an exciting stage in a relationship — and in life overall.

Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage?
Whether you’re buying a new car or insuring an existing one, understanding what’s included in your vehicle insurance can feel daunting.

Who do you call when there’s a car in your living room?
It was just another Sunday night — the footy had finished and Stephen Bailey was turning off the lights when catastrophe struck: an out-of-control...

Ways to Save on Home Insurance
Savings and Youi go together like good cheese and fine wine. And as it happens, you might be able to afford a lot more of both if you switch your...

People-First Approach Pays Off
At Youi, it’s no secret that our people are pretty special to us. We invest heavily in providing programs and a work environment that are positive...

Expert Review: Toyota RAV4
We’ve teamed up with the experts at CarAdvice to bring you honest, no holds barred reviews of some of Australia’s most popular vehicles. Here’s wha...

Expert Review: Mazda CX-5 Akera
We’ve teamed up with the experts at CarAdvice to bring you honest, no holds barred reviews of some of Australia’s most popular vehicles. Here’s wha...

Expert Review: Holden Colorado
We’ve teamed up with the experts at CarAdvice to bring you honest, no holds barred reviews of some of Australia’s most popular vehicles. Here’s wha...

Expert Review: Mitsubishi ASX
We’ve teamed up with the experts at CarAdvice to bring you honest, no holds barred reviews of some of Australia’s most popular vehicles. Here’s wha...