Introducing The YouiRewards Program
Hey, we've got some exciting news to share.

What Happens If I Buy A Car With Outstanding Finance Owing?
Picture this. You buy a used car and pay cash to the seller.

Driving Offences You Didn't Know About
You’re familiar with all the common road rules; don’t speed, don’t use a mobile phone and slow down in school zones. But did you know that tooting...

How To Plan A Stress-Free Weekend Roadtrip
Whether it's for a change of scenery or change of pace, weekend road trips are the perfect way to squeeze in a bite sized adventure.

What To Do If Your Car Breaks Down
Dead batteries, flat tyres, no petrol... These are the things of road nightmares.

How to Make Your Tyres Last Longer
They're the most important part of your car. After all, you wouldn't get very far without them. And although our tyres can't last forever, there ar...

Moving Out Of A Rental Checklist
It's time to move out of your rental. You've hired a mover, started packing and already scoped out the nearest shops to your new place. But before...

Response to the article: "Does Youi owe you? insurer accused of billing without consent."
This response refers to a recent media article relating to Youi in which it is alleged the Company condoned the practice of billing customers witho...

Tips For Sharing The Road With Cyclists And Other Drivers
A big part of being a safe driver is understanding how to share the road with others, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, emergency...

Safety Tips For Driving With Dogs
Whether they're off to the vet, the beach or the pet store, dogs love a nice drive and chances are, you love their company too.

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Speed According to Science
You know obeying the speed limit is the law, but do you know why?

Driving Distractions You Didn't Think Were Distracting
Driving distractions come in all types of shapes and sizes but they're all equally as dangerous.

We're Getting a New Home

How to Throw an Awesome Road Safety Week Party
Ever wish our roads were a safer place? We do.

How to Stick To Your Goal When Life Gets In The Way
By Ivan Pierce, Head Of Human Capital

What to Consider Before Buying Home Insurance
One of the biggest purchases you may ever make in life is buying a house. No matter how big or small, it helps us feel secure while providing a pla...

10 Car Essentials You Should Have
You never know what may happen behind the wheel, but being prepared can help you get through even the most unexpected of times.

How to Pack For Moving House
There are few feelings as exhilarating as making a new home your own, but first you'll have to deal with the nightmarish storm of collapsing boxes,...