Industry news
Sep 10, 2020
How to thrive, not just survive – reviving your business plan
Now’s the perfect time to refine or completely overhaul your business strategy so you’re well placed to succeed, with the recent announcement that we are in a recession.
Industry newsSep 10, 2020
Tips to ensure your marketing strategy drives demand in uncertain times
The pandemic has dramatically altered consumer behaviour, demand for services and opportunities to engage with prospective clients. Your marketing strategy that produced good results in normal times might be largely redundant now.
Industry newsAug 25, 2020
Q&A with Cassandra Woodyard, Connective Home Loans Business Development Manager
Cass Woodyard shares how she builds strong relationships with her brokers and how she goes above and beyond to support them with Connective Home Loans.
Industry newsAug 10, 2020
Congratulations to the MFAA and The Australian Broker Award winners
Join us in congratulating the winners at the recent MFAA State and National Excellence Awards and The Adviser Australian Broking Awards.
Industry newsApr 07, 2020
National Consumer Credit Protection amendment
As of April 2, the Government temporarily amended the NCCP. Brokers are now exempt from responsible lending obligations for certain lending activity when dealing with existing small business customers.
Industry newsMar 05, 2020
Celebrating your success at the Better Business Awards
The Adviser's Better Business Awards have celebrated the success of brokers across the country over the last month. Many of our brokers, who are doing exceptional things, have been recognised.
Industry newsMar 04, 2020
Celebrating women in finance
We value our female brokers and love celebrating their success. Read our member profiles of three incredible women who are thriving in the world of finance broking.
Industry newsFeb 11, 2020
Three areas of focus for brokers in 2020
Mark Haron, Connective's Executive Director, discusses the three key areas of focus for brokers in 2020 and where they can look to for support.
Industry news