Q&A with Cassandra Woodyard, Connective Home Loans Business Development Manager

Cass Woodyard shares how she builds strong relationships with her brokers and how she goes above and beyond to support them with Connective Home Loans.
How are you managing and maintaining your broker customer relationships during this time?
I am finding it a little easier maintaining relationships as I now have the capacity to get back to them quicker than before. I like to touch base with my brokers every month or 2 just to check in and see how they are going.
What common questions are coming from your broker portfolio at the moment? How does Connective Home Loans provide support to address some of their concerns?
I have received lots of questions about JobKeeper recently, I have been able to support the brokers with information on how it can be included in serviceability depending on the lender. Lenders have become a lot stricter recently so I’ve also been receiving questions on product suitability. Brokers have been having trouble placing deals however CHL is always happy to consider if it makes sense and is within policy.
Why should brokers consider Connective Home Loans for their clients?
They will receive a very competitive rate along with niches that are not common in the market. For example, an offset account with a fixed rate. We don’t just stop there either; the post settlement experience is also great for the customer and I am always hearing great reviews from my brokers and their customers.
Can you share an example of when a broker’s client had a positive outcome with Connective Home Loans?
One of my brokers submitted a deal that was initially declined due to the property being classed as ‘agricultural’. We researched the area and gathered data to then take back to the lender to prove that this property was just outside of Lilydale in Victoria, and that it was in fact a house on a couple of acres. We went above and beyond to find this information, presented it to the lender and had the decline overturned.
What made you decide to join Connective?
The support I received from Connective while being a mortgage broker was amazing. The culture and support from peers is above anything I have ever experienced and knew it would be the same working for the company.
Tell us what you love most about your job.
I love helping brokers and overcoming difficult situations. I love a challenge and I pride myself on my customer service and building those relationships.
How do you start building relationships with new brokers in your portfolio? What are your tips?
I like to give my brokers a personalised hands-on experience with a call on their birthday, a call when a deal is submitted, a call when a deal needs a little help and to just keep in touch on a regular basis.
Tell us about a time when you had to go the extra mile for a broker, and it made a big difference to their business.
The finance clause on a deal was due at 6pm, I made sure I was in constant contact with the broker, and when the lender informed me that it may be after 6pm I did not stray away from my phone or email. Formal came through at 7:15pm and the client did not miss out on the property.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work I love to go camping and boating every second weekend when the weather is good. I love having family time and catching up with my friends. Weekends I am never home as we are always out doing something. As most people would know, it’s been hard with COVID because we are very restricted in what we can do, but we are looking forward to enjoying these activities again when we are allowed.