The colder months can be cozy and beautiful if you stay inside, but out on the road is a different story.
Preparing for inclement weather isn't just a matter of getting out the extra woolies. It's also important to make sure your car insurance is in good shape so you're covered if anything goes wrong on those winter roads.
Here are a few ways you can ensure your car insurance is winter-ready.
1. Check that your cover is weather-proof
Depending on the type of insurance you have, you may or may not be covered for forces outside of your control, like snow or hail storms. For example, if you have Third Party Propety Only or Third Party Fire & Theft insurance, you will likely not be covered if your car is damaged as the result of a weather event. Your best bet is to call up your insurer and see how much it would cost you to upgrade to comprehensive cover.
2. Know what to do if you have a collision
Shorter days paired with fog, snow and ice means visibility is pretty low in winter months. Be aware that there's an increased risk for collisions and make sure you know what to do if you're involved in one. For starters, read your PDS so you know exactly what you would be covered for if you hit another car, or if another car hit you. Also consider other weather-related risks that could occur, such as skidding into an object or building. To prepare yourself for the worst, start by storing your insurer's contact details in your phone. If you are in a collision, be sure to exchange contact details with everyone involved. If you hit someone's car and they aren't around, be sure to leave a note with your information as fialing to do so could make your insurance invalid. For more information on what to do after you have a collision, read our post.
3. Make changes to your policy based on how you use your car
If waking up to a cold car covered in frost isn't your cup of tea, you might start storing it in your garage. And if keeping it warm, safe and dry during the day is important to you, then you might park it undercover. If winter is likely to change some of your driving behaviours, such as the way you park, then you should contact your insurer immediately to keep them informed. The same is true if you drive a different car altogether in the winter, or if you tend to carpool more. Any of these changes could affect your overall premium and in some cases, especially with Youi, you could end up saving lots over the winter months if your car is stored more securely or if you're commuting more.