Compliance document requirements at a glance

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The typical day for every broker includes a multitude of different loan scenarios, a gaggle of clients needing attention and very little time for fishing around for information! It’s important you spend your time understanding each client’s financial situation, requirements and their borrowing goals – not pondering over which compliance documents they need to receive.

This Compliance Document Guide will make it easy! But remember, you can always find full details about Responsible Lending & Compliance Requirements on Connective Wiki.

Download Compliance Document Guide

NCCP Legislation does not require you to provide a Credit Guide for non-regulated lending scenarios. However, providing this to your customers is considered best-practice as it gives them important preliminary information about you and your services.

Ask your Compliance Team for help with complex scenarios!

Complex scenarios often require additional clarification, especially if the funding is for multiple purposes. Whatever the lending need, we’re happy provide guidance on any loan scenarios you have. Simply click your help icon in Mercury to get in touch, or email us at [email protected] and we’ll be on hand to help!