Top Tips for Maintaining Healthy Pipeline

Maintaining a healthy pipeline is key to keeping your business on track to achieve your financial goals.
So how do you build a healthy and well-established pipeline with a regular rotation of fresh leads?
Read on to get our tips.
4 Ways to Build a Strong Pipeline
1. Engage in Meaningful Communication
Communication is vital to building a strong pipeline. Be honest, transparent and upfront with your clients, bankers, staff and BDMs to build strong relationships for continued business and referrals.
How to:
Use Digital Marketing Hub to trigger campaigns based on your clients’ profiles and activities, so you can tailor your messaging to fit their specific interests.
Leverage your existing contacts and social media friends to gain new business. This is a much more effective strategy than cold calling strangers.
2. Deliver Great Customer Service
By demonstrating your understanding of the industry, market conditions and your clients’ unique circumstances and financial needs, you will earn their trust, respect and repeat business. Always treat every client equally, no matter how much the deal is worth.
How to:
Non-financial arrangements with referral partners can help you elevate and strengthen your brand and reach new clients. Clients will also appreciate being directed to other professionals to help them manage their other needs, allowing you to provide them with a holistic customer service experience.
3. Build Trust
Trust is gained by being reliable, transparent and sincere. Clients want to understand all of their options, they want difficult concepts explained to them clearly, and they want to know how you have found the best solution for their needs.
How to:
The best interests duty is one such way you do this. It holds you to a higher standard, meaning that you’re legally required to put your clients’ best interests first when providing credit assistance.
By effectively communicating and educating your clients about the BID, you may gain a competitive edge.
4. Be Knowledgable
Seek to continually educate yourself on changes in legislation, industry news and new tools. If you’re in the know, you’ll be better equipped to help all the clients who come your way. This also boosts credibility and engages trust.
How to:
In a market with low barriers to entry, it’s important to differentiate yourself from others. A well-perceived brand will reward you in both good and harder times. Check out Connective’s extensive Learning & Development Program and find out how you can make the most of it.
Relationships are the foundation of any successful business, and they’re largely based on communication, service, trust, and a shared understanding of one’s goals. By developing these high-quality relationships with your clients, you’ll fuel a healthy pipeline and generate new business.