Safety Tips For Driving With Dogs

Whether they're off to the vet, the beach or the pet store, dogs love a nice drive and chances are, you love their company too.

But did you know that your dog could be just as distracting as the other passengers in your car? From hanging their heads out the window to moving around in the backseat, your pup could be jeopardising your road safety.

Luckily, our friend Penny from the Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge stopped by during Road Safety week to share some safety tips for driving with dogs. She even brought along rescue dog Pookie, who kindly posed for a special demonstration on how to restrain your dog in a moving car.

Watch the video or read our top takeaways below.

Safety Tips for Driving With Dogs

  • A seatbelt restraint or car harness are the simplest, safest ways to restrain your dog comfortably.
  • Make sure you can get 2 fingers under the dog's collar to ensure it has enough room to move comfortably without being too loose.
  • Ensure the length of the restraint is short enough that the dog won't be able to move around too much or vacate its seat.
  • Keep the windows rolled up to avoid dust particles getting into the dogs eyes and to prevent the dog from jumping out the window.

Of course, dogs aren't the only things that cause distractions in the car. Check out our post on driving distractions you didn't think were distracting.

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