Most Common Car Accidents & Most Dangerous Times On The Road

Although our roads can sometimes be unpredictable, certain dates and times are safer than others.

We ran the stats on our collision claims data to figure out when car accidents are most likely to occur on Australian roads, and what type of car accidents are most common.

Key Takeaways

  • Most car accidents (16%) occur on Friday
  • Car accidents peak between 8-9am and 3-6pm weekdays, accounting for over 27.1% of all collision claims.
  • On weekends, car accidents are most likely to occur between 10 and 1pm.

What to expect on Weekdays

Most car accidents occur weekdays between 8 and 9 am and increase again from 3 through 6pm, coinciding with school traffic and work commutes.

  • From 7pm to 6am, there are very few collisions (8.9%). This is likely due to less cars on the roads.
  • 14.3% of all car accidents occur on Mondays.
  • 14.9% of car accidents occur on Tuesdays
  • 15.2% of car accidents occur on Wednesdays
  • 15.6% of all car accidents occur on Thursdays
  • 16.2% of all car accidents occur on Fridays

What to expect on Weekends

13.3% of all car accidents occur on Saturdays, while 10.5% of all car accidents occur on Sundays. Of all accidents that occur on weekends, most happen between 10 and 1.


  • Most car accidents occur between 10 - 1pm (4.1%)
  • Nearly half (47%) of all car accidents on Saturdays occur between 10am - 3pm


  • Sunday is the safest day to drive, accounting for only 10.5% of all collision claims

6 Most Common Collision Types

We've captured over 58 different types of collision claims. The following 6 car accident types account for 75% of all Youi collision claims.

  • 23% of all collisions are rear-end
  • 21% of all collisions occur when a car is parked (1.9% of this time, an object has caused the collision)
  • 12.3% occur when someone is reverse parking
  • 11.1% of collisions are a result of the car losing control & hitting an object other than a car
  • 5.4% of all collisions are a result of hitting an animal
  • 3.5% of collisions occur while changing lanes

*Based on Youi Insurance collision data collected from July 2016 to October 2016

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